Convert American Odds to Implied odds

Implied odds are very easy to understand and they are an extension of pot odds that help you decide whether or not a drawing hand is worth calling in the face of a raise. The implied odds of a hand tell you how much you expect to win after you make your draw. What it means is that if you expect to win a lot more money from your opponent after you make your draw, you have good implied odds, on the other hand, if you feel that you will not be able to get any more money out of your opponent on future rounds, it means you have little or no implied odds.

How to convert American odds to implied odds

It is important to note that you can convert either positive or negative American odds and below is information on how you can do it for both.

Converting negative American odds to implied odds

Negative American odds / (Negative American odds + 100) x 100 = implied probability
Converting American Odds of 300
300 / (300+100) X 100 = 75%

Converting positive American odds to Implied odds

100 / (positive American odds + 100) X 100 = implied probability
Converting American Odds of 250
100 / (250 + 100) X 100 = 28.5%